Chat Rooms - the official on-line Gahwat Azzawi


By entering any chat room on this site, you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and you take full responsibility for your actions., it's owner(s) and sponsor(s) are not responsible for any discussions that go on in the chat rooms. The website is not affiliated with any group or organization and reserves the right to block users who disturb the peace.

There are two types of chat rooms.

Public Chat Room

This chat room is not moderated, simply enter a nick name and enter the chat room.
- click to enter

Private Chat Room

Our discussion forum has a built-in chat room, this chat room is more secure, you have a reserved name, it's moderated and controlled. To access this room you need to login to the forum by creating an account.
- Click to register
- Click to login to enter our forum to chat.

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